the abelard school
Preparing thoughtful, inquisitive and motivated students to excel in university since 1997
The Math program at the Abelard School has been designed to show continuity between all of the branches of math as well as how it integrates with other disciplines. It is our own construction and melds aspects of algebra, geometry, and logic. We strongly encourage all of our students to continue their math studies through to Grade 12.
A solid and sophisticated understanding of mathematics is key to the construction of an agile mind. Our ultimate goal is to have all of our students working at a functional University level math, regardless of the discipline they choose to pursue after Abelard.

We prepare our students to write Advanced Placement Math Exams in their grade 12 year. Many do and achieve top scores.
Our students regularly compete in national and international mathematics competitions, and have won many awards over the years.
The inspiration behind the pedagogy of how we deliver this program is classically based, focusing not only on the concepts to be learned, but also on how they were developed.
“When I entered graduate school in Mathematics and Computer Science, I was in many ways pursuing a fascination and a love of a subject that had begun many years previously. Abelard was an extraordinarily important time for my development in many ways, not least my understanding of mathematics and how to study it.”
Dr. Chris Thomson-Walsh, PhD (Cambridge), Abelard Class of '02