the abelard school
Preparing thoughtful, inquisitive and motivated students to excel in university since 1997
Our Students
There is no typical Abelard student. The individuals who walk through our doors are some of the brightest, most interesting young people in the city, and possess all manner of academic and artistic talents. At a school that emphasises leadership and community through its small student population, Abelard students do not feel the need to become typical in order to fit in.
While everyone is unique, there are still certain traits common to most Abelard students. For one thing, they tend to disregard many unwelcome adolescent social pressures. You may recognize an Abelardian by her habit of greeting new students in the hallway, or offering to explain a math problem to someone in a younger grade. You may recognize him as the one who organizes a film night, and invites the entire student body to attend.

Abelard students like to discover new things. Whether it is the existentialist questions posed by Waiting for Godot, the code to a new computer program or the fate of poor Schrödinger's Cat, Abelardians are known to pursue and discuss these matters well outside the classroom. They like to ask questions and find answers, and then build upon those answers with even more questions.
Abelardians like to think ahead, both in terms of their education and in terms of their community. At the Abelard School, they are inspired to grow intellectually and to expand their social and cultural awareness while becoming excellent critical thinkers. As they discover their strengths and learn how to put them to good use, they are preparing to become leaders in all different fields. There is no typical at the Abelard School.
The future is bright!
“Because most classes have fewer than ten students and teacher-student colloquy is fundamental to the Abelard experience, our son always has opportunities to question and participate. The size and intimacy of the student body has inspired close friendships with a group of individuals who support and encourage one another rather than compete for marks or condescend.”
Abelard parents Dr. Linda Safran and Dr. Adam Cohen